Army releases EBS-C draft PPON

Mission Area
June 30, 2022

ACC-Rock Island released a DRAFT Prototype Project Opportunity Notice (PPON) and Statement of Need to receive industry comment and feedback on the Army's approach for an Enterprise Business Systems - Convergence (EBS-C) Prototype Project. The DRAFT notice is here.

The Army plans to use an Other Transaction Authority for an agreement with lead systems integrator(s) to design, develop and demonstrate Prototype Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution(s) that converge the capabilities of five separate business systems:

In addition to the DRAFT PPON, the Army has included a Request for Information (RFI) Template for Industry (PPON Attachment 0000) to provide responses to seven Question Topics related to this notice. Industry should use the Question Template (PPON Attachment 0001) to submit any questions or comments. The RFI responses and questions are due by 1 p.m. ET on July 29.

PEO EIS will host an EBS-C Industry Day after the Army receives industry responses to the RFI, i.e., after July 29. Details about the upcoming Industry Day will be posted here.

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